Video description from @marcusluahrealestate
In this video, we will be talking about the next upcoming new launch in Lentor, Lentor Central Residences is the latest addition to the growing Lentor estate, but is it worth your investment? In this review, we’ll break down everything you need to know—from its location, pricing, and unit layouts to the potential appreciation and how it compares to other condos in the area.
0:00 Introduction
1:03 Video Sequence
1:53 Project Overview
3:25 The Downsides of Lentor Central Residences
3:40 Potential Price Stagnation
3:55 Limited Immediate Rental Demand
4:33 Price Sensitivity
5:10 Not Within 1km from CHIJ St Nicholas & Risk Of Future Land Plots Selling Cheaper
5:18 Expected Pricing
7:05 Site Plan/ Floor Plan Breakdown
9:17 Master Plan
11:03 Future Lentor Developments
11:38 The Entire Site Map Of The Lentor Location
12:58 Why Lentor Central Residences Is Worth The Investment
13:22 Mind Blocks
13:54 Exit Strategy
16:37 Next Development Could Be Potentially Selling Cheaper
17:54 Price Comparison Among New Launches
18:04 Lentor Mansion
20:39 Norwood Grand
22:18 Final Thoughts
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